CFM: Operation Streamline

Published on 11 August 2024 at 03:31

Operation Payload+Operation Streamline

Operation Streamline Includes:

  1. Technology System:

    • Added a "Manage Technology" button to open a modal for technology management.
    • Introduced "Technology Points" as a new resource.
    • Six types of technologies: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, Luck, Production, and Military.
    • Technologies can be upgraded using Technology Points.
    • Upgrade costs increase exponentially with each level.
  2. Technology Effects:

    • Each technology type provides specific boosts to attributes or game mechanics.
  3. User Interface Updates:

    • Display of Technology Points and technology levels in the user info section.
  4. Attributes System:

    • Introduced four main attributes: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma, and Luck.
    • These attributes affect various aspects of the game (e.g., production, military power).
    • Attributes can be improved through technology upgrades.
  5. Explore Space Feature:

    • Added an "Explore Space" button to initiate space exploration.
    • Players can discover new planets and resources.
    • Exploration results are randomized, providing different outcomes each time.
    • Possible outcomes include finding resources, encountering alien civilizations, or discovering new technologies.

Operation Payload Includes:

  1. User Authentication: Players can sign up and log in using email and password.

  2. Resource Management: Players manage resources such as money, food, minerals, and population.

  3. Building System: Players can construct various buildings like homes, farms, mines, and military units.

  4. Banking: Players can deposit and withdraw money from a bank.

  5. Combat System: Players can attack other users and steal resources.

  6. Leaderboard: There's a leaderboard showing players ranked by their military power.

  7. Notifications: Players receive notifications about game events.

  8. Territory Search: Players can search for loot crates in territories.

  9. Loot Crates: Players can find and open loot crates containing various rewards.

  10. Resource Production: Resources are automatically produced at regular intervals.

  11. Military Power: Players have a military power score that affects combat and leaderboard ranking.

  12. Tiered Rewards: Loot crates come in different tiers (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary) with varying rewards.

  13. User Interface: The game has a main content area displaying user info, building options, attack options, and notifications.

  14. Real-time Updates: The game fetches and updates user resources and other data at regular intervals.

  15. Responsive Design: The layout adapts to different screen sizes.

  16. Custom Alerts: The game uses custom alert modals for notifications.

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