Campaign for Mankind AlPhA v. 4.15
Everything works in real time now, no need for page refreshes! :)
- REMOVED - Boss Battles *will be replaced with something else in 2025*
- Added Extra Permissions for Attack Functions/Minor Updates to code

You can now sell items and buildings within the market.
Can sell only 3 times per hour
You can filter public market listings or search for a specific item/item number.
(Must look up items with item numbers to know what you're buying/Selling)
5% Tax is applied to all sales

The bank now supports 8 decimal place deposits and withdraws as well as 500,000 food storage (use to be 250,000), 500 Wood, Iron, Gold, Crystal, and Uranium (use to be 100)

Tweaked the Active Status for the player leaderboards to more accurately display individual players activity
Some other updates include:
- 70+ New Craftable Items for a total of 95 Craftable in game items to craft, buy, and sell
- Improved Overall Game System
- Improved Economy + Tax System
- Improved Notification System & Display*
- Watch Ad for Reward is now 1,000,000 of each resource - Tax, instead of 50,000
- Fixed Player Leaderboard, Alliance Leaderboard, Bank Info, and User Info displays (Added 11/20/2024)
(The game can now handle astronomical numbers)
(Added 11/20/2024)
Enhanced Attack System
- Players can now only attack 3 times per hour
- Added ability to steal multiple resources during successful attacks:
- Money
- Food
- Wood
- Iron
- Gold
- Crystal
- Uranium
- Military Power
Planet Production Improvements
- Significantly increased resource generation from planets
- Daily production rates:
- Money: 500K to 1.5M
- Food: 400K to 1.2M
- Population Growth: 25K to 75K
- Added planet counter display in user interface
- Enhanced planet management system
- Improved Chances for finding a planet
Advanced Number Formatting
- Implemented smart number display system
- Numbers now show with appropriate suffixes (K, M, B, T, etc.)
- Makes large numbers more readable
- Supports up to 40 different magnitude levels
- Applied formatting to:
- Inventory counts
- Building quantities
- Resource numbers
- Planet statistics
- Military units
Market System Enhancements
- Added comprehensive market validation rules
- Improved transaction tracking
- Better listing management
- Enhanced security for trades
- Formatted market prices and quantities
Database Security Updates
- Added new validation rules for all resources
- Improved attack tracking system
- Enhanced alliance management security
- Better protection for market transactions
- Added planet ownership validation
- Strengthened inventory management rules
Interface Improvements
- Enhanced building display system
- Improved inventory visualization
- Better resource counting display
- Cleaner number presentation throughout
- More consistent user interface
(Added 11/24/2024)
You Can Now buy In-game Money/Memberships <--------------
New Webpage for Money/Memberships:
(Added 11/25/2024)
- Fixed Damage Leaderboard for Boss Battles
- Reworked some of the code to handle more astronomical numbers
- Added Notification for crafting items *
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